Fortnite makes more than $1,000,000 a day. But how does a free to play game make so …
What is the Catalyst Skin in Fortnite Season X?
Catalyst is the first outfit you unlock in the Season X Battle Pass. So if you bought …
Best Graphics Cards for Fortnite: The Top Picks in 2020
Are you looking for a graphics card to give you the best performance when you play Fortnite? …
Is the RTX 2060 a Good Graphics Card for Fortnite?
Your graphics card is one of the most important parts of your gaming PC. Because it generally …
How to “Ghost Peek” in Fortnite Battle Royale
What is peeking? Peeking is simply when you come out of cover to take a shot at …
Escape The Dream 2: Full Guide and Walkthrough
Escape The Dream 2 is a Fortnite Escape Room created by JAG and the code is 4554-3196-9055. …
Why Do Some Fortnite Players Angle Their Keyboards?
Some Fortnite streamers have a camera for their keyboard. This is so you can see exactly what …
AMD Ryzen 5 2600: A Great Budget CPU for Fortnite
The Ryzen 5 2600 (link to Amazon) is a CPU released by AMD in April 2018. It …
A Complete Kovaak’s FPS Aim Trainer Guide for Godlike Aim
Why use an aim trainer? Before aim trainers were a thing, you were reliant on playing your …
Best Fortnite Mouse for Small Hands, Females, and Kids
Being an adult male with small hands, things are sometimes difficult. You see, my hands are roughly …